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A fire blanket consists of a piece of fire-resistant fabric (usually woven glass fibre) that can be used to smother a small fire by not allowing any oxygen to the fire.


Fire blankets are often installed in kitchen areas where small cooking fires may occur. A fire blanket is ideal for extinguishing cooking fat fires and can be used to wrap around people if their clothes catch on fire. 


In the event of an emergency have someone dial 000 to call the fire department in case the fire cannot be extinguished. You should also ensure that you have an escape route.


Pull down sharply on the tabs hanging from the bottom of the package to release the fire blanket. Hold it in front of you, with the fabric rolled back at the edges to protect your hands. Place (not throw) fire blankets over cooking fat fires, keeping hands and face protected behind it. Lay the blanket gently over the fire. Do not throw the bottom of the blanket onto the far side of the fire as flames can then run up the blanket to your hands. Turn off the heat source and leave the blanket over the burnt area for at least 15 minutes or until the heat has dissipated. To put out a clothing fire, wrap the blanket around the flames and person. Get them to drop to the ground and roll until the fire is out. Seek medical assistance. 


Always read the instructions for your fire blanket before use.


Note: Fire Blankets are not designed for re-use! It is essential that you dispose of your Fire Blanket once it has been employed.


Firetick supplies fire blankets, that are all manufactured to comply with AS/NZS 3504.

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