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Fire Hose Reels provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water to combat a potential Class A fire risk. Class A fires include fires involving paper, wood, textiles, rubber, and other solid materials. As a first attack piece of equipment, fire hose reels can often prevent fires from reaching a point beyond control.


Various types of Fire Hose Reels are available to meet specific needs. With a standard fully extended length of 36 metres, Fire Hoses are designed to deliver a minimum flow of

  • 19.8 litres per minute for 19mm hoses.

  • 24.6 litres per minute for 25mm hoses.


To pass the Australian Standard all the individual items and the whole completed assembly must undergo rigorous testing. For this reason Firetick use AS 1221 approved fire hose reel spare parts when repairing or replacing parts.

AS2441 is used to ensure compliance for the Installation and location of fire hose reels and signs. Fire hose reels must be maintained in accordance with AS1851. This standard also requires that fire hose reels must be inspected every 6 months, and reported annually in the annual fire safety statement. Fire hose reels, like fire extinguishers should carry a maintenance record tag to show when they were last inspected. 

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