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A fire hydrant system must be provided to serve a building having a total floor area greater than 500 m2 and where a fire station is no more than 50 km from the building as measured along roads and equipped with equipment capable of utilising a fire hydrant. QFRS requires boosted on-site hydrants where a single street hydrant doesn’t cover a fire compartment over 2000m2 in size.


Booster systems incorporate a hydrant block-plan showing the location of all on-site hydrants. This allows the attending fire service to most effectively utilise resources immediately.

Having your fire hydrants and booster systems serviced is a requirement by Australian standards. Fire hydrant systems are used by emergency fire services and therefore, it is critical they undergo regular maintenance.


The requirements of fire hydrant testing and tagging are set out in the AS1851. All fire hydrants systems require servicing every 6 months with fire hydrant flow testing required on an annual basis. AS1851 also states that the following fire hydrant and booster system services be carried out on a 5 yearly basis:

  • Fire hydrant overhaul

  • Fire hydrant hydrostatic test - boosted systems

  • Fire hydrant booster overhaul

  • Fire hydrant boosted flow test - boosted systems


Minimum Standards of Performance

  • BCA 20__ Clause E1.3


  • AS2419-1980

  • AS2419.1-1991

  • AS2419.1-1994

  • AS2419.1-2005

  • AS2419.1:2017

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